Saturday, August 25, 2012

Worker injured by croc while answering nature’s call

Borneo Post 25/8/2012 24.08.2012 KUCHING: A foreign construction worker was bitten in the buttocks, waist and back when attacked by a crocodile while squatting by a riverbank to answer nature’s call yesterday. The 32-year-old Indonesian national, identified only as Pai, said the incident happened at his worksite in Pending around 9.15am when he went to the edge of a river to defecate after experiencing stomach pains. According to him, there was a proper toilet located across the river in Sejingkat, but that he was worried he could not make it there in time and headed instead to the riverbank. Pai had only just dropped his pants and squatted down when a crocodile measuring about five feet in length lunged from the water and bit his buttocks. The reptile then snapped at his waist and back, prompting the shocked construction worker to fight back by repeatedly punching the reptile’s head until it released its grip on him and vanished back into the river. Pai then made his way back to his worksite and informed his co-workers, who rushed him to Sarawak General Hospital where he was admitted for treatment. Several workers later said all of them were aware of the presence of crocodiles in the area and had always taken extra precaution when going to the river.

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